Who in the Latin American countries can speak english?
2006-06-19 09:11:53 UTC
I am doing a survey in my english class to see how many people that live in Latin American (spanish speaking countries) can speak english.

If you can understand this make note of it.
Seven respuestas:
2006-06-19 09:18:18 UTC
All latin amercia have people who can speak english, it depends of the economy of the family, more money equal best education and oprtunities. In Mexico richs and middle class can pay for english courses and most of the profesional people need to know at least two idioms mostly english.
2006-06-20 12:49:47 UTC
Anyone who is interested in doing so. Foreign languages are there, ready available for the humankind. There is not such a think like "handicapped areas of the world for learning English", if u know what I mean...
2006-06-20 05:47:07 UTC
I speak English, I learned in my country (Central America), also in my job I had to speak with a client in NY, but a lot of people learn English in the school, maybe they don't speak it, but for sure they understand.
2006-06-20 03:14:41 UTC
HI baby . I.m Marky ,,

I..ll like staying in touch to you .and if you like it too. get me back .to

because you have a sexy name .or nick .. victoria ..

you soon . .

bye the way

2006-06-19 16:47:33 UTC
I speak Enslish and live in Mexico.

I don't think you'll get as many answers as you would like (in yahoo respuestas)...but, good luck!
2006-06-19 16:25:19 UTC
I can. But I am an American Student in Chile. However, a large amount of people especially business people speak english.
2006-06-19 16:16:06 UTC
I can. Pero esta es una web para preguntas en español.

Este contenido se publicó originalmente en Y! Answers, un sitio web de preguntas y respuestas que se cerró en 2021.